
EMAX Nighthawk-X4 - Ram inkl PDB

Pris 269,00 kr
529,00 kr
Pris med rabatt
Pris utan moms 215,20 kr
Rabatt -260,00 kr
Momsbelopp 53,80 kr

Bygg enklare och snyggare med integrerad PDB. Emax har gjort det enklare för dig, mer flygtid !

  • Built-In 5V and 12V regulators supply ample amount of clean, filtered power to the electronics.

  • ESC Signal pads allow clean and efficient builds with less wires to be in the way.

  • Programmable RGB LEDs let user play with endless colors and features through the Flight Controller using Cleanflight-Configurator.

  • XT60 Connector directly mounted onto the PDB (Further reducing weight by eliminating heavy wires as well as risk of cutting power leads).

  • Dedicated signal pads are aligned with the Flight Controller to allow clean connections.

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